Research Study Confidentiality Agreement

The work done under a advisory agreement is not the responsibility of the person at Stanford. The instructions on this page do not apply to advice agreements. Because of the significant risk, a person who has agreed to receive export-controlled information as part of a advisory agreement should not place this controlled information on campus or use it in a „random“ manner with Stanford real estate. For industry-sponsored clinical trials, the sponsored or contracted research organization (CRO) generally requires Stanford or IP to enter into a non-discloser agreement (NDA) before sharing the study protocol and other proprietary documents. The NDA protects the confidentiality of the details of the procedure. An NOA can also be referred to as a Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA) or confidentiality agreement. A guide to understanding Stanford`s policies, procedures and resources for confidentiality and confidentiality agreements. If an agreement is for export controls (references to ITAR or EAR), contact Stanford`s Export Control Officer. If you accept export-controlled information, you will need to obtain this certification from Stanford. The audio recordings you receive probably contain participant identification markers as well as third-party names (for example, colleagues.

B, family members and/or participants` knowledge). To protect confidentiality, you must remove all identifiers from third parties and participants who wish to remain anonymous. If the transcript is done outside the university, make sure that all recordings, transcripts and recordings remain confidential (i.e. documents are never left unattended and are backed up if not used). By signing below, you agree not to disclose information about what is contained in audio recordings or written transcripts. In addition, you agree not to discuss the participants or data collected in this study with anyone other than the lead investigators. The researcher is responsible for the acceptance and protection of information, materials or technologies that are shared and is the appropriate signatory to the agreement. If the sponsor or a third party insists on an institutional signature, you can contact either the Office of Sponsored Research for publicly funded research, or the Industrial Contracts Office for industry-sponsored research or the Research Management Group for Clinical Trial NDAs.