General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Nedir

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is an international trade agreement that was created in 1948 to encourage free trade by reducing tariffs and other trade barriers. Its successor, the World Trade Organization (WTO), was formed in 1995, but GATT is still important because it laid the foundation for the current global trade system.

GATT was signed by 23 countries in the aftermath of World War II, with the goal of promoting economic recovery and stability. The agreement aimed to increase economic activity by reducing barriers to international trade, such as tariffs and quotas. By encouraging free trade, GATT hoped to increase economic growth and reduce the likelihood of another world war.

One of the key principles of GATT was the “most-favored nation” principle, which requires that any concessions made to one country must be extended to all other GATT members. This principle is designed to ensure that trade is fair and equal, and that no country is given an unfair advantage over others.

Another important principle of GATT is the “national treatment” principle, which requires that imported goods be treated the same as domestically-produced goods. This means that foreign products cannot be subject to higher taxes or regulations than domestic products, which helps to create a level playing field for international trade.

GATT was successful in reducing trade barriers, leading to increased international trade and economic growth. However, it was not perfect and there were still disputes between countries. In response to this, the WTO was created in 1995 as a successor to GATT. The WTO has a broader mandate than GATT, covering not only trade in goods but also services and intellectual property. It also has a more effective dispute settlement process, which has helped to resolve many trade disputes between countries.

In conclusion, GATT was an important agreement that helped to promote free trade and increase economic growth in the aftermath of World War II. While it has been superseded by the WTO, GATT laid the foundation for the current global trade system and its principles continue to guide international trade today.