One-Off Recording Agreement

In the music industry, a one-off recording agreement refers to a contract between a record label and an artist for the production and release of a single album or song. This type of agreement is common for artists who are not signed to a long-term contract with a record label or are only interested in releasing a limited number of tracks. In this article, we will discuss the key features of a one-off recording agreement and its significance for both the artist and the record label.

Key Features of a One-Off Recording Agreement

A one-off recording agreement typically includes the following features:

1. Ownership of the Recording: The contract will define the ownership of the master recording, including the rights to distribute, license, and reproduce the recording. The artist retains the copyright of the song, while the record label holds the rights to the master recording.

2. Royalty Payments: The contract will specify the amount of royalties paid to the artist for each unit of the recording sold or streamed. The percentage of royalties paid may vary depending on the format of the release, such as physical copies versus digital downloads or streaming.

3. Recording Budget: The contract may provide for a recording budget, which covers the costs of recording, production, and marketing the release. The budget will be deducted from the artist`s royalties.

4. Term of the Agreement: The contract will define the length of time that the record label holds the rights to the recording. This can vary from a few years to perpetuity, depending on the agreement between the parties.

Significance for the Artist

A one-off recording agreement can be beneficial for artists who want to release a single song or album without committing to a long-term contract. This type of agreement allows the artist to maintain creative control over the production and marketing of their music while gaining access to the resources of a record label. The record label will handle the distribution and promotion of the release, which can help to expand the artist`s fan base and increase their exposure.

A one-off recording agreement can also provide a source of income for the artist. The royalties paid by the record label can help to offset the costs of recording, production, and marketing. Additionally, if the release is successful, the artist may be able to negotiate a more favorable contract with the record label for future releases.

Significance for the Record Label

A one-off recording agreement can be advantageous for record labels as well. This type of agreement allows the record label to test the market for a new artist or a new style of music without committing to a long-term contract. If the release is successful, the record label may choose to offer the artist a long-term contract or continue to release additional singles or albums on a one-off basis.

A one-off recording agreement can also be a low-risk investment for the record label. Since the agreement only covers a single release, the record label is not obligated to provide ongoing financial support to the artist. This allows the record label to focus their resources on promoting and distributing the release without incurring significant costs.


A one-off recording agreement can be a mutually beneficial contract between an artist and a record label. It allows the artist to release their music on a larger scale while maintaining creative control and earning royalties. For the record label, it provides a low-risk investment opportunity to test the market for new artists or music styles. Overall, a one-off recording agreement can be a valuable tool for both parties in the music industry.